Sampling - Terminology for the process from samling to analysis can be found in this AMC brief and also in the Eurachem Sampling uncertainty guide

Measurement Quality - The three related performance characteristics trueness, precision and accuracy to describe the quality of results obtained with a method should be clear to all of us. However in everyday language and also in dictionaries precision is a synonym of accuracy but in measurement science it just related to spread. The relations in measurement science are described in the figure below.

In the world of metrology – the science of measurement and its application – there is a language which has to be learned. The International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM) was produced to provide a common language. An on-line version of VIM is here,

Eurachem as published Terminology in Analytical Measurement: Introduction to VIM 3 for analytical chemists  and also a short leaflet You talk, we understand – The way out of the tower of Babel.

Below a Figure from an AQUAL paper about terminology in measurements.